Saturday, August 11, 2012

Books for the rest of 2012

There was consensus that "House Made of Dawn" was a very difficult book to read. There was some beautiful writing about nature but not much plot. In many sections it was hard to tell which character was doing the talking. It is NOT a book you can read in bits and pieces because it is so hard to hold the thread of narrative.

Greta and Mairtin both had excused absences due to illness and proximity. The rest of us went ahead and boldly picked the next four books.

The book for September 8 is "The Book of Salt" by Monique Truong.

We will discuss "A Dry White Season" by Andre Brink on October 13.
Front Cover

Next up is "Breath" by Tim Winton on November 10.

Front Cover

December's book is "Unaccustomed Earth" by Jhumpa Lahiri. Our last meeting of the year is December 8.

Front Cover

See you there.

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