Saturday, April 10, 2010


Five of the gang were present for this month's meeting. Ann and Tony, Art and Janice were all there ahead of me. They were already being served by the time I got there and I think they had also had the discussion of the book. I ordered my latte and waited for someone to come back and take my order for breakfast. I waited a long time. Finally someone figured out I needed food.
With my belly full of egg and salmon I brought up the book again. Did we like it? No. What was it we didn't like about it? No real answer. Art offered the problem of translation: are we reading bad writing or are we reading a bad translation?
I never really got to say what I thought. It can be like that when you come late to the party. I really liked this book. I visited Romania soon after the "revolution" and had a chance to experience a little of the country and its people. I thought that Müller nailed the surreal character of Romania in that period. I thought she accurately portrayed the sense of disorientation many people felt trying to navigate that insanity. I don't think this was the best novel I've ever read but I wasn't disappointed.

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